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Ciaran McDonald
Dec 21, 20221 min read
A Taekwon-do joke - Christmas Cracker Version
I wrote this joke as I love TKD and its good to see 'the funny' in our art and not take everything so seriously. However, like most good...
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Ciaran McDonald
Mar 8, 20217 min read
Not waving but drowning: Why sine-wave is irrelevant to applying TKD
As a specialist in the applications of the patterns I am forever getting asked how do I “use the sine wave when applying the patterns”....
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Ciaran McDonald
Jan 27, 20217 min read
Why do black belts quit?
Why do black belts give up Taekwon-do? Humans are very complex creatures, and most individuals are not of the enlightened kind like the...
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Ciaran McDonald
Nov 27, 20206 min read
Why Is A Traditional Martial Artist Like An Alcoholic?
Well this may seem flippant or be a bit tongue in check but the point is very valid. Two things that seem very distant and mutually exclusiv
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Ciaran McDonald
Nov 18, 20202 min read
Watch the video of my Do-San take down...
I'll admit, right off the bat that this takedown looks a little 'martial artsy'. I mean no one is going to let you step behind them...
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Ciaran McDonald
Aug 23, 20201 min read
How a middle block 'really' works - Why we do a chamber!
One of the most confusing and confused techniques in Taekwon-Do is the middle block. It is obvious to most people that the chamber...
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Ciaran McDonald
Aug 23, 20202 min read
Stances as combative devices
Ever thought there was more to stances than just standing still? Ever thought they looked like they had combative purposes that seemed...
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